The website has been created by Techworld S.r.l. with registered office in – 90015 - Cefalù – PA, the Tecworld S.r.l. the ownership of all the programming code, and the realization of pictures which are granted by the company license Marina Yachting Cefalù Srl Partita IVA 05085650827 | sede Contrada Porto Presidiana Snc - 90015 - Cefalù (PA), hereinafter referred to as Company
The website is hosted on servers in the Techworld Srl or other firms that treat such a service on your behalf.
The website domain:, si owned byTecworld S.r.l. and it is managed on behalf of Tecworld S.r.l. from its trading partners.
Access to the pages of the website of the Company implies that the user acceptance of the following conditions.
The documents, images, trademarks and other materials published and reproduced on this site is owned by the Company or licensed from third parties for use in the Company. It may not be copied to the public, or use of the material above for purposes other than personal, in any case all the material on this site including programming code, can not in any way be reproduced or published prior written permission of the same Company.
The Company reserve the right to change the information on its Website at any time without notice.
No responsibility is assumed in relation to the content published on this website and use that third parties can do, or for any contamination deriving from access, interconnection, downloading of material and software from this site .
Therefore, the Company, the owner of this website will not be held for any reason to answer in order to damage, loss or harm of any kind that third parties may suffer as a result of contact with this site, or following the use of published in the same way as the software used.
Any information provided spontaneously by third parties to the site can be freely used by the Company as provided in our privacy policy summarized below.
This web Site may contain hyperlinks to other web sites that are completely independent of this web Site and the Company. The Company does not say anything about and does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or authenticity of the information contained in these links, no any hyperlink to another person or body can be seen as an endorsement by the Company, products, services, actions, omissions, and statements of that person or body. A link madeto any page outside the site or another site is at your own risk.
We do not use cookies to transmit information of a personal nature, nor are so-called persistent cookies of any kind, or systems for tracing users. The use of SO-CALLED session cookies (which are not permanently stored on the user's computer and disappear when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to transmitting session identifiers (random numbers generated by the server) necessary to enable a safe and efficient site. THE SO-CALLED Session cookies are used on this site avoid the use of other technologies that could compromise the privacy of the users and do not allow the acquisition of personal identification data.
The Company does not warrant that the website is free of errors or viruses. The Company and its suppliers shall not be liable for any damage suffered by you due to these destructive agents.
These General Conditions and Particular Conditions are governed by Italian law. Any dispute arising out of or related to these Terms or any Special Conditions will be exclusively competent Court of Termini Imerese.